Eritrea – Government offices

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  • Eritrea – Government Offices

    Ministry of Agriculture P.O. Box 1048 Asmara 181 499 / 181 077 181 415
    Ministry of Defense P.O. Box 629 Asmara 202 874 / 202 196 124 990
    Ministry of Education P.O. Box 1056 Asmara 116 644 / 127 817 118 351 / 121 913
    Ministry of Energy and Mining P.O. Box 5285 Asmara 116 872 / 127 944 127 652
    Ministry of Fisheries P.O. Box 923 Asmara 114 271 / 552 010 122 185
    Ministry of Finance P.O. Box 895 Asmara 118 131 / 127 755 / 127 757 127 947
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.O. Box 190 Asmara 127108 / 127 838 / 115 166 123 788
    Ministry of Health P.O. Box 212 Asmara 202 917 / 120 297 122 899
    Ministry of Information P.O. Box 242 Asmara 117 111 / 201 820 / 127 748 124 847
    Ministry of Justice P.O. Box 241 Asmara 117 603 / 127 739 / 127 740 126 985
    Ministry of Land, Water and Environment P.O. Box 76 Asmara 118 021 123 285
    Ministry of Labor and Human Welfare P.O. Box 5252 Asmara 151 986 / 151 846 182 760
    Ministry of Local Government P.O. Box 225 Asmara 126 734 / 116 247 / 127 734 126 930
    Ministry of National Development P.O. Box 257 Asmara 120 905 / 124 964 / 121 122 126 422
    Ministry of Public Works P.O. Box 841 Asmara 202 763 / 122 477 120 661
    Ministry of Tourism P.O. Box 1010 Asmara 120 073 / 126 997 126 949
    Ministry of Trade and Industry P.O. Box 1844 Asmara 120 080 / 117 944 120 586
    Ministry of Transport and Communications P.O. Box 569 Asmara 123 681 / 114 093 / 120 555 127 048

    People’s Front for Democracy and Justice P.O. Box 4888 Asmara 126177 / 125009 126 101

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